Tools for Data Analysis

University of Rhode Island VOTES


This tool is a data processing, Microsoft Excel Add-in that provides functions to import, process, and analyze data generated by electronic poll books and ballot scanners. This tool is accompanied by video tutorials for the setup and use of the different BOOTH functions. Summary statistics for electronic poll books generate an arrival rate table and graph demonstrating how many voters checked in per hour. For scanner data, summary statistics can display the list of events (e.g., cast ballots, mechanical errors, ballot marking errors) that were recorded, the frequency of those events, and their associated duration. This data can determine processing time estimates, equipment failure rates, and aid in generating resource allocation estimates.

This tool will soon be expanded to include processing functions for a wider range of voting equipment. If specific types of data are desired, reach out to URI VOTES and we can work to develop tools to accommodate your data.

Voting System Timers:

These series of timers operate in Microsoft Excel to help track all on-site voting operations and election system processes in order to capture the actual processing times experienced in an ongoing election. After standardizing the data collection process, utilize any of these timers to track the election system: voter arrivals, throughput, check-in processing, ballot marking device use, voting booth use, and even ballot scanning. Users can simply choose the timer that best suits their needs from the list. These timers allow for easy tracking of several voters and present the raw data in an easy and usable format. 

Tools for timer output data are currently in development.