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Keeping MIT Shining

The Custodial Services group works to maintain a high level of cleanliness throughout MIT to support a comfortable learning environment. Custodians work round-the-clock shifts to minimize inconvenience while providing efficient, services to classrooms, labs, offices, and public spaces. Each team's mission is to treat customers in a courteous, professional manner and to provide timely responses to special requests and emergencies.

Order Services

To order cleaning services go to Service Requests in Atlas. Below is a list of some of the services available. There is no charge for our Basic Services, but there is for our Special Services, so be sure you have a Cost Object you can use to order these services.

Basic Services

  • Cleaning classrooms, labs, offices
  • Cleaning entrances, lobbies, restrooms, and corridors
  • Remove trash and recycling waste
  • Emergency responses to bad weather or accidents

Special Services (Requires a Fee)

MIT's Custodial Services does not provide services to non-facilities buildings such as dormitories and some leased properties such as Draper Lab, Technology Square, Whitehead and Broad Institute.



Department Directory

Custodial Services

Thomas Hardy

Customer Service Center

Office Hours: M - F, 7AM - 4:30PM
Key Distribution Hours: M - F, 8AM - 4PM
Phone: 617-253-4948
Building: E17-129

making MIT work accessibility Massachusetts Institute of Technology