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 - How to Reduce
 - Recycling Facts
 - What Can Be Recycled
 - Waste Facts
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What Can Be Recycled at MIT?

The MIT recyclable waste stream is divided into several categories: Single Stream, Organics/Food Waste, Plastic Bags, Batteries, eWaste, Books, and Clothing. To find out how to recycle daily use items, see the MIT Waste Wizard below.

MIT Recycling also manages recycling streams for yard waste, wood, metal, tires, and materials from construction and development.

Questions about recycling in the residence halls can be directed to the individual house managers.

Have questions about what can be recycled on campus?
Use the MIT Waste Wizard

The MIT Waste Wizard is currently in beta. You can help us build out the catalog to best fit the MIT campus. Did you search for an item and get no results? Let us know by filling out this short form, and we will add it to the wizard.



Department Directory

Grounds, Recycling, and Fleet Services

Michael Seaberg

Customer Service Center

Office Hours: M - F, 7AM - 4:30PM
Phone: 617-253-4948
Building: E17-129

making MIT work accessibility Massachusetts Institute of Technology