Hybrid Mechano-Optogenetic Rehabilitation After Stroke: Advancing Towards a Neurofeedback Protocol
17th October 2024
Timing : 1 pm EST
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For a list of all talks at the NanoBio seminar Series Fall'24, see here
We will describe the dynamic neural correlates following a photothrombotic stroke procedure, analyzed using wide-field calcium imaging in a head-fixed mouse model. The evolution of neural signals in the perilesional area was studied in correlation with rehabilitation using a neuro-robotic platform, combined with an optogenetic stimulation protocol. A double transgenic animal model was developed to enable full-brain recording and optical stimulation. Additionally, a novel biosensor for detecting analytes in saliva was created to provide a molecular fingerprint of stroke, enhancing the hybrid rehabilitation protocol's translational relevance. Lastly, we will discuss perspectives on integrating digital and molecular data to establish a neurofeedback protocol aimed at improving rehabilitation outcomes.
Prof. Francesco S. Pavone
Head of Biophotonics Area
European Laboratory for Non-Linear Spectroscopy (LENS)
and Department of Physics
University of Florence
Via N. Carrara 1
50019 Sesto Fiorentino (FI), IT
Pavone is the author of approximately 270 international papers and the editor of several international books. He has delivered around 150 invited talks and serves as an editor for multiple international journals. He is the unit coordinator for numerous international, European, and national projects, and he received an Advanced Grant from the European Research Council (ERC) for the BrainBIT project (2016-2021), along with an associated ERC Proof-of-Concept (POC) grant and a National Institutes of Health (NIH) grant as part of the Brain Initiative (NIH BICCN U01MH117023, 2018-2023). Pavone leads the Italian node of the EBRAIN infrastructure and serves as the Italian delegate on the Board of Directors for EurobioImaging. He has organized several international conferences and is a member of the evaluation panels for the European Research Council (PE3) and the DFG (Germany). He is a fellow of SPIE, AIMBE, and OSA, and was awarded the prestigious Fermi Prize in 2024.
Additionally, Pavone is the founder of two companies: Light4tech, established in 2005, and Emoled, founded in 2016. He is also the author of several patents. His research focuses on biophotonics, with a strong emphasis on technology development and data analysis, applied across a range of biomedical fields.