*Image Credits: Irakli Zurabishvili with models by IronWeber and Lauri Purhonen

*Image Credit: Biswajit Sarkar with images from stock.adobe.com by SciePro & Inok

*Image Credits: NCB

*Image Credits: Shivam Kajale

*Image Credits: NCB

*Image Credits: Peter Allen

*Image Credits: NCB


The Nano-Cybernetic Biotrek (NCB) research group is an adventurous scientific voyage, fusing engineering, applied physics, and biology to bridge the gap between nanotechnology and synthetic biology. The group’s two major research directions are to :

The long-term goal of the group, going beyond probing and modulation, is to enable incorporation of functionalities, not otherwise allowed by biology, for enhancing and transcending us beyond our biological limitations. Please see below for research projects.

Representative Publications

  1. S.N. Kajale et. al., “Field-free deterministic switching of all–van der Waals spin-orbit torque system above room temperature,” Science Advances, 10, eadk8669, 2024

  2. B. Joy et. al., “Cell Rover—a miniaturized magnetostrictive antenna for wireless operation inside living cells,” Nature Communications, 13(1), pp. 1-11, Editor's Highlight featured by the National Academy of Engineering

  3. D. Sarkar et. al., “Revealing nanostructures in brain tissue via protein decrowding by iterative expansion microscopy,” Nature Biomedical Engineering, pp. 1-17, 2022

  4. D. Sarkar et. al., “A subthermionic tunnel field-effect transistor with an atomically thin channel,” Nature, Vol. 526, No. 7571, pp. 91, 2015 (highlighted in Nature News and Views)
A complete list of publications can be found here.


