Event Regulations

Co-sponsoring an Event with a Non-Affiliated Group

Student organizations must petition the Student Organizations, Leadership and Engagement Office for permission to co-sponsor an event with a non-affiliated group. Non-affiliated groups cannot use MIT student groups as a means to gain access to MIT facilities. As a result, it is important that student organizations working with non-affiliated groups ensure that the co-sponsored event is predominantly planned, financed and directed by MIT student leaders.

Student organizations that are co-sponsoring an event must work in concert with the CAC as well as the SOLE to ensure that the proper event support logistics are arranged. Student organization leaders must be aware of all needs and they must also work directly with MIT staff regarding those logistics. Financing for any co-sponsored event must also reside with the MIT student organization. Proceeds from ticket sales (on site or online), contracts and other expenses must be routed through the MIT student organization account. Money cannot be collected by the non-MIT organization.

Finally, MIT student organization leaders directing the co-sponsored event must work with staff members from the CAC and SOLE offices prior to the event to ensure that all logistical issues and concerns have been addressed. Student leaders directing co-sponsored events must also ensure that they are present from set-up to clean-up of the event and available to work with SOLE and CAC staff members to resolve any concerns.

Fronting non-affiliated groups has serious consequences such as loss of reservation privileges. Student groups should make sure that all finances, including ticket sale revenue is run through the student group account. Student groups should be involved in all areas of event planning, event promotion, and event execution. If a student group is not found to be in control of the event, advertising not lodged on the student group's website, running finances and revenues through their student group account, or knowing the details of event logistics, the student group's event will be investigated by the Student Organizations, Leadership and Engagement Office. If fronting is found, the student group may be referred to the Association of Student Activities, prevented from holding the event, have to pay event support fees, and/or loose the ability to book space. If you have questions or concerns about your event, check with the Student Organizations, Leadership and Engagement Office early in your event planning process to avoid a charge of fronting.

Outside groups may be hosted on the MIT campus if an MIT faculty or staff member serves as sponsor, with the approval of their Department Head. It is the responsibility of the MIT sponsor to ensure that the programming is in line with MIT’s mission of education. The sponsor must also agree to assume financial risk for the event. More information for non-MIT event planners is available at this link: http://institute-events.mit.edu.ezproxy.canberra.edu.au/conference-services/non-MIT-planners or by contacting MIT Conference Services at conferences-www@mit.edu.