*Chip in Synapse Image Credit: Biswajit Sarkar with images from stock.adobe.com by SciePro & Edelweiss

Research positions available at NCB for grad students and postdocs. More details can be found here.


Deblina Sarkar

Assistant Professor at MIT
AT&T Career Development Chair Professor at MIT Media Arts and Sciences
Founder and Director of Nano-Cybernetic Biotrek research lab


Prof. Deblina Sarkar is a trans-disciplinary innovator, initially trained in electrical engineering and physics and then, has traversed the realm of biology, driven by curiosity and belief that truly disruptive technologies can immerge at the interface of diverse research arenas. Her inventions include, among others, a 6-atom thick channel quantum-mechanical transistor overcoming fundamental power limitations, an ultra-sensitive label-free biosensor, technology revealing previously invisible biological nanostructures of brain and the first ultra-miniaturized antenna that operates inside a living cell in 3D environment. Her PhD dissertation was honored as
one of the top 3 dissertations throughout USA and Canada in the field of Mathematics, Physical sciences and all departments of Engineering. She is the recipient of numerous other awards and recognitions, including the Lancaster Award for best PhD dissertation at UCSB, Technology Review’s Innovators Under 35 from India, NIH K99/R00 Pathway to Independence Award, the IEEE Early Career Award in Nanotechnology (only awardee worldwide in 2022), Innovative Early Career Engineer by National Academy of Engineering, the NIH Director’s New Innovator Award with the highest and rarely achieved impact score, the MIND Prize, the Science News' 10 Scientists to Watch, the Distinguished Scientist Award (one of the 3 awardees nationwide), the Nanomaterials Young Investigator Award (one of the 3 awardees worldwide), NSF CAREER Award, The ChadTough Defeat DIPG New Investigator Award (one of 4 awardees nationwide) and many more Continue Reading....


Nano-Cybernetic Biotrek (NCB) is an adventurous scientific voyage, fusing engineering, applied physics, and biology with two main research thrusts:

  1. To develop disruptive technologies for ultra-low power nanoelectronic devices as energy efficient hardware for Artificial Intelligence and,
  2. To merge such next generation technologies with living-matter to create new paradigm for human-machine symbiosis in order to transform health-care.
The versatility of electronics is that they are inherently very fast and can be built from scratch according to an engineer’s dream to perform functions, which are beyond the capabilities of biology. While our immediate aims, are to build unique nanoelectronics-bio hybrids, which will create unprecedented possibilities for probing/sensing and modulating (for therapeutics) our brain and body, NCB's long-term goal is to achieve seamless integration of nanoelectronics into our biological systems to incorporate functionalities, not otherwise enabled by biology, and thus, transcending us beyond our biological limitations.

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